1) On Ordinary Days: Number of hours in excess of 8 hours (125% x hourly rate)
2) On a Rest Day, Special Day or Regular Holiday: Number of hours in excess of 8 hours (130% x hourly rate)
3) A Special Day (130% x basic pay)
4) A Special Day, which is also a scheduled Rest Day (150% x basic pay)
5) A Regular Holiday (200% x basic pay)
6) A Regular Holiday, which is also a scheduled Rest Day (260% x basic pay)
7) Computing Night Shift Premium where Night Shift is a Regular Work On Ordinary Day (110% x basic hourly rate)
8) Computing Night Shift Premium where Night Shift is a Regular Work On a Rest Day, Special Day, Regular Holiday (110% of regular hourly rate for Rest Day, Special Day, Regular Holiday)
9) Computing Overtime on Night Shift On Ordinary Day (110% x overtime hourly rate)
10) Computing Overtime on Night Shift On Rest Day, Special Day or Regular Holiday (110% x overtime hourly rate for Rest Days, Special Days, Regular Holidays)
如果員工需要在夜班工作並且加班 (法例規定10:00pm至6:00am為夜班工作),按以上法例要求計算便會再多8個組合,即是總共有18種超時的加班費,最高可獲286%的時薪,而且當地企業多是每半個月發薪一次,單是計算Payroll就令人頭痛。
1) 最低工資:分農業及非農業職位,而且每個區域的最低工資都不一樣。
2) 最高工時:每天8小時或每周48小時,中間的小休時間也計算在8小時內。超過8小時的按加班計。
3) 服務年資獎勵:每做滿一年,員工便在下一年享有5天帶薪假期。
4) 休息時間:每餐必需要有至少1小時的休息時間。
5) 第13個月薪金:對,你沒有看錯,我也沒有寫錯!法例規定,僱主必需每年多付一個月薪金給員工。
6) 社保 Social Security System (SSS):僱主及僱員需每月供款,供款額按薪金水平計算,僱主的最高供款額是每月1090披索。
7) Home Development and Mutual Fund (HDMF):僱主及僱員每月各供款100披索以用作員工將來置業之用。
8) National Health Insurance Program (NHIP):僱主及僱員需每月供款,供款額由100至750披索按薪金水平計算,僱主及僱員各付50%。
9) 退休金:按服務年資計算,每1年相等於半個月的薪金。
then why the hell are the ppl there still so poor?
回覆刪除If u think the labour law at Phil. is good, you should take a look at China's, some extracts:
回覆刪除1) Each week working hour 40
2) Each month OT max 36 hrs
3) On normal day OT, 150%
4) On holiday OT, 200%
5) On special holiday OT, 300%
6) If sign 2 consecutive contracts, the 3rd contract cannot have end date...
And most importantly, these labour laws are executed and carried day by day.
Hi 匿名,
回覆刪除Thanks for your message. Of course i know the PRC's labor law. I said 羨慕又妒忌 is because I compared it to our HK labour law. Philippines is a "forth world" country but their labor law is better than us. how poor is the hk people.
"Philippines is a "forth world" country but their labor law is better than us. how poor is the hk people."
回覆刪除May be just too good to be true!
休息時間:每餐必需要有至少1小時的休息時間 <- 我後生時仲記得僱傭合約一日工作八小時係包lunch break,所以先有朝九晚五既講法,但近年唔止OT變義工、連lunch break都唔計變成朝九晚六(+食鐘)...
回覆刪除Cubicle 笑話, 我都有睇過.哈哈^^