今天匯豐的股價收$33,我突然想起了一首歌曲的名字--夢醒時分。看來一眾股民、基金、靠匯豐股息營運的機構等等不用再躊躇選擇供股與否了,因為巿場已幫大家決定了,按$33元計,今天的除權價是$31.5 [($33x12)+($28x5) / (12+5) = $31.5],如果選擇供股,手上的股票理論上還值$31.5,但如果不供股,手上股票會被攤薄至只有$23.3 [($33x12) / (12+5) = $23.3],to be or not to be, that is the question。
馬沙筆記: 環球金融 地踎智慧
大口仔筆記: 匯控2008年全年業績及管理層報告 (基本分析)
回覆刪除Dont know how u get 23.3.
回覆刪除the theoretical ex-right price is 31.5 and that is it. if u dont participate in the right issue, the price is still 31.5, doesnt make sense to use 17 as the denominator if u dont buy the extra 5 shares.