

後續審計(Audit Follow-up)在整個審計流程中是很重要的一環,目的只有一個,就是確定auditee有否根據早前在審計報告中所下的承諾把問題解決。



普遍來說,後續審計在管理層眼中很重要,他們會不時向內審追問auditee有沒有把問題解決,他們不會直接問 auditee,就算問了也會要求內審確認,所以我們不能掉以輕心。



4 則留言:

  1. Hi Bittermelon,

    Including of checking on previous year audit findings during our audit, is it considered as audit follow up? I think it is practical and the previous year un-rectified issue can be a current issue and this will directly affect the rating of audit reports.

    One more question is regarding the resolved audit finding. How do you define and comment on resolved audit finding? Is it due to auditor unable to identify the core problem from the issue raised, therefore it is only based on facts that can be rectified on the spot? Any recommendation to improve the audit finding from easily resolved?


  2. Hi Anonymous,
    Yes, you can include such checking in your current audit. However, if I were you, I would report them separately. I.e. One section is for current issues while another section is for previous issues which are still oustanding. To me, outstanding previous issues are more "serious" then current issues. Also, management will have interest to know why such issues are still not yet resolved.

    For your second question, I do not fully understanding. Can you elaborate more about your question?

  3. In audit report, we have a separate heading for resolved issues, i.e. issues resolved during the period from closing meeting to submission of reply.

    For the resolved issue, it carried less weigh compare to other findings.

    Is this a normal practice in Internal Audit?

  4. Oh i see. This is the first time i know this practice. Anyway, to auditee, it is a credit that given by IA. I think it is a fair and reasonable treatment.

