System Flowchart的做法有很多種,我這個方法的基礎是沿自一本名為“Accounting Information System”的教科書,加上自己及同事們多年的實踐及修訂而成。我不敢說是最好,但至少能清楚地記錄各種流程(包括Automatic和Manual的流程)及資訊(包括文件和Data)的流向。
早前聽到某電台主持人提及“Horizontally challenged”這個詞,初時看字面估計不到是甚麼意思,原來這是在美國政治正確的說法,意思其實等於「肥」。例如“I'm sick of being horizontally challenged, it's time to get a gym membership around here!”是說我很討厭自己太肥呀,是時候去做gym啦!
八卦心態下到法律參考系統找了官司的判詞原文來看,林文翰法官的第一句話很是發人心省,“The late Nina Wang [“Nina”] was the chairwoman of the Chinachem group and was one of the richest woman in Asia. But wealth cannot offer an answer to all the problems in life, particularly in the wake of the final rest that every human being has to face eventually”。