特首曾蔭權最近被傳媒窮追猛打,質疑他藉著「慳電膽計劃」向姻親輸送利益,又說他的弟婦提早獲雷曼賠償。某些傳媒連日來在頭版不斷報導炒作,先不論其手法是否過份,但曾特首並不得到傳媒的支持,而且新一份施政報告不得民心似乎是事實。因為如果特首是民心所向,就算傳媒怎樣炒作也不會對他造成影響。 歸根究底,問題在於特首不是我們選出來的。像美國總統奧巴馬及其幕僚可以公開點名批評當地某傳媒,但特首只能不點名怒吼,就是沒有民意在背後撐腰。
日後香港的特首不可隨便行街睇戲吃飯,因為行街 Shopping 吃飯,有人會質疑特首為什麼幫襯A公司/食肆而不幫襯B,C,D或者E。啊!一定是利益輸送!特首睇戲,選港產片嗎?為什麼特首看這一齣而不看另一齣?啊!原來和某片商關係要好,一定是利益輸送了!好了好了,避嫌不看港產片看外國片好嗎?啊!特首不支持本地電影產業!
我們做內部審計的也是一樣,一味彈 Auditee 這個地方做得不好,那些個地方有問題,他們做得好的地方卻一句也不提不讚的話,除了有礙大家的工作關係外,在其他人心目中,內審就會變成 Problem Finder 之類的「麻煩友」,而不是 Problem Solver「好幫手」。
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10 則留言:
i think the key step of declaration was missed. If CE declared his relationship at Executive Council before the proposal made, public suspicion on this case should not be raised.
CE's relative should not obtain privilege over the public. The Lehman Bother's case, public have a question why she can get back her money before the general public.
I think that there is still not adequate explaination given from CE on these 2 cases.
CE is the most senior position in the government. He has the responsibility to set the tone of top. If the public / government staff perceived CE obtain privilege from his position, the culture of government and the society would be affected.
不是斷六餐, 而是作為一區之首, 遇上有利3疑點時, 一定要保持敏感道, 否則雨面d人有樣學樣,o甘會點 ?
Hi kt,
CE did make the declaration. The point in discussion is that such declaration does not require CE to cover his son's father-in-law as well. As a person may have hundreds relatives, I don't think it is practical to cover all relatives. It is not fair too.
Hi 篤篤篤撐:
Hi Faithtrust100:
"CE's relative should not obtain privilege over the public. In the Lehman Brothers' case, public have a question why she can get back her money before the general public."
CE owes the public a detail explanation in this regard. In particular, what sort of mini-bond and the amount involved are important issues.
"CE's relative should not obtain privilege over the public. In the Lehman Brothers' case, public have a question why she can get back her money before the general public."
CE owes the public a detail explanation in this regard. In particular, what sort of mini-bond and the amount involved are important issues.
Hi Bittermelon~
I like reading your passage very much. Though I agreed that CE is quite poor, probably her position and his salary is paying him for accepting that. (Just like those pop stars - "食得咸魚抵得渴")
I saw one point you mentioned that IA got to appreciate the auditee. But I wonder how that practice can be made, via face-to-face discussion or on the report??? That is really hard. IA works are so challenging, esp. on the interpersonal parts! 左右做人難。
Hi Anonymous,
You are right, CE owes us an explanation for that issue. However, as far as i remember, some mini-bond holders had settled with the banks and received "compensation" before other holders did.
Hi Fung,
Thanks for your support.
Usually, I will give some credits to auditee in my audit report (either in Executive Summary section or recommendation in Detailed finding section) if they are really doing well. For example, briefly describe auditee's effort to minimize and monitor risks. mention in the report that auditee has fixed the problem immediately when finding was raised, etc.