

IIA香港分會聯同一家私人培訓公司開辦了一個工作坊關於如何寫內審報告 (Internal Audit Report) 的,這課程的全名很長,叫 Advanced Written Communication Workshop for Internal Auditors,Information Design: Information Structure in Audit and Risk Assessment Reports


Disclaimer: 我既非IIA香港分會成員,也和這家私人培訓公司沒有任何關係,我純粹因為覺得這工作坊不錯才在我這個Blog內介紹一下,如果有同行好友參加後發現貨不對辦或無用的話,我不會負責任的啊!


4 則留言:

匿名 說...

he is specialist in applied linguistics, not internal audit. i don't think it'll be too relevant.

bittermelon 說...

But my colleague joined this class before and his comment on this class is good. I also studied the training materials and found that they are quiet useful and practical. Anyway, it is a recommendation only, join or not is up to you guys.

Billy 說...

Bittermelon 兄,

Thank you for your sharing. The class seems is quit attractive, but the cost is quit expensive under the current situation. Is it possible to scan several pages of training materials for sharing? I believe it can help us to judge whether it's worth to take the class or not, thank you!

bittermelon 說...

Hi Billy,
I'm afraid I can't do that because such training materials might be protected under copyright.



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